Palm Jaggery

Palm Jaggery

Palm jaggery, also known as Karupatti or Panai Vellam is an excellent alternative for white sugar. It is made from freshly concentrated juice obtained from Palmyra Palm tree. Palm Jaggery is an excellent sweetener. Use Palm Jaggery and avoid While Sugar in any form since it is processed and chemically treated multiple times in its production cycle.

No Chemicals or artificial ingredients are added & that’s why pure Palm Jaggery melts even in room temperature. It is prepared naturally without removing any minerals, natural Vitamins or dietery fibers.It has various medicinal properties and health. Here is a list of reasons why you should include palm jaggery in your day today diets.

Energy booster

Palm jaggery is high in composite carbohydrates which help in digesting food faster than the regular sugar. Consuming palm jaggery regularly helps in releasing energy which keeps you fresh and energetic for hours.

Relieves constipation

Palm Jaggery is high in dietary fibers which helps in treating digestive disorders such as constipation, improper bowel movements and indigestion. The dietary fibers present in Palm Jaggery also help in cleaning the system by flushing out unwanted toxins and stimulating bowel movements.

Heals migraines

The medicinal properties of Palm Jaggery help in providing relief from migraine pain. Including a tea spoon of jaggery in your daily diet will provide immediate results.

Relieves many common ailments

Palm Jaggery is known for its medicinal properties. It acts as an effective remedy for curing many common ailments, such as a dry cough, cold and asthma. It also helps in clearing your respiratory tract by dissolving the mucus.

Helps in weight loss

Being rich in potassium, Palm Jaggery helps in maintaining electrolytic balance by reducing water retention and bloating. Thus, promoting weight loss.

Treats menstrual cramps

Palm Jaggery is an effective natural remedy for treating menstrual issues. Consuming palm jaggery releases endorphins which relaxe your body and provide relief from cramps and stomach aches.

Ultimate cleanser

Palm Jaggery cleans up your entire body system by flushing out all the toxins from the body especially from your liver and keep your body healthy. It also helps in cleansing the respiratory tract, intestines, food pipe, lungs and stomach.

Improves digestion

Palm Jaggery works as a digestive agent. It helps in keeping your digestive system healthy by cleansing your intestinal tract. Consuming small amount of Palm Jaggery after having every meals will help in improving digestion.

Eases joint pain

Palm Jaggery is an excellent source of calcium which helps in strengthening the bones, thereby reducing joint pain and other related issues like arthritis.